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Friday 12 February 2021

Two mysterious bright objects in the night sky over Glendale, Arizona USA, 9 Feb 2021. The return of the Phoenix Lights?

A video shared by a Facebook user who goes by the name Jae Luna claims to herald the return of the Phoenix Lights. 


The video apparently shot from Glendale, Arizona on February 09 shows multiple flying objects in the night skies. Interestingly, the unidentified flying objects (UFO) spotted in the skies apparently had the shape of a triangle (although this cannot be discerned from the video), and it has made several people believe that the infamous Phoenix Lights have returned.

"Phoenix lights 2.0 UFOs in Arizona!I experienced some UFOs tonight. They seemed to be traveling between dimensions in my opinion," says Jae Luna.


In the initial moments of the video, two illuminated flying objects can be seen in the skies, but soon, one object disappeared shocking Luna who was capturing the video using his smartphone. After some seconds, the second UFO also disappeared from the skies.


Luna states himself that he can hear jet engines from a nearby airbase. Could the lights not be from those? Landing lights are very bright, and can seem to fade out when the aircraft does a 90° turn away from the viewing point. Aircraft performing circuits will follow the same flight path, so landing lights may appear to come on and then fade out as the aircraft goes about its path. Its a shame the objects are so out-of-focus in the video as they just appear as bright blobs, without any real detail. 

What were the Phoenix Lights?

The Phoenix Lights event happened on March 13, 1997, when several unidentified flying objects were spotted in the skies over the U.S. states of Arizona, Nevada, and the Mexican state of Sonora. Even though the US military has classified these flying objects as military flares, conspiracy theorists strongly believe that these UFOs could be most probably space ships developed by aliens.

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