
UFO Sightings Weekly is a directory of the best worldwide news reports regarding UFO's, unidentified aerial phenomenon, unidentified submerged objects and suspected alien sightings. We discard the obvious guff to present only the most compelling of UFO cases. It is also possible to submit a sighting for vetting directly via the website "Report a Sighting"

Tuesday 16 February 2021

Bright red unidentified light appears above Hanoi, Vietnam, 11 Feb 2021

A bright red light object has been videoed hovering above Hanoi, Vietnam, on 11 Feb 2021. 


In the video, the bright red light gradually fades away. There is no more information and the video cannot be verified.


This could possibly be a red signal flare, the object does float towards the ground before going out. However, the object does show some similarities with the red object spotted over Capolona, Italy 25 Jan 2021

red object spotted over Capolona, Italy 25 Jan 2021

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