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Wednesday 10 February 2021

"Inverted half nut" UFO spotted in Roque Pérez, Argentina, 6 Feb 2021

According to the news site "Crónica" at 12:45 on Saturday (6 February 2021), a UFO was observed in the city of Roque Pérez, Argentina. Several people communicated with Crónica repeating the same story: something similar to an "inverted half-nut " crossed the sky of the place.

A neighbor in the area described how he experienced the mysterious observation from his position: “ We were in the field, setting up for an event on Route 205, km 136. We had finished and were getting ready to have a soda. When I looked at the sky, I observed the moon and saw a kind of inverted half-nut pass by. I immediately called a co-worker to see it. He also observed it and was astonished because it was the first time he had seen something like this in broad daylight, " said the witness, who still has not come out of astonishment.

The same person told the
Crónica that " shouting" he called a third person, but by the time she approached, it had already disappeared. Due to the speed with which the object was moving, he did not get to take a photograph, but he managed to take a piece of paper and draw what he had seen.


The city of Roque Pérez and its surroundings have a long history linked to the UFO phenomenon . In 1991, one night in May around 3 in the morning, a truck driver named Torres and two co-workers were traveling in a truck from a poultry producer in the region, from Begueri in the direction of Roque Pérez. As they traveled along the dusty Route 20, they observed an intensely luminous focus to the right of the road. They reported that his colours were changeable and that he made wobbling movements and circles at a considerable height. The object in question was slightly larger than the star, moving slowly and without making a sound. After about two minutes of observation, it was lost to the west. The three witnesses were quite surprised. 

Ongoing investigation

This is news in development and reporters from the
Crónica are traveling to the site to see if they can get photos, videos and testimonials. In recent months there are many voices that provide data on the presence of these strange lights in the sky of the place. Some are convinced that everything is related to the Salado river that passes a few kilometers from the city

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