
UFO Sightings Weekly is a directory of the best worldwide news reports regarding UFO's, unidentified aerial phenomenon, unidentified submerged objects and suspected alien sightings. We discard the obvious guff to present only the most compelling of UFO cases. It is also possible to submit a sighting for vetting directly via the website "Report a Sighting"

Monday 22 February 2021

Flying disk-like object videoed from Brazilian TV weather report helicopter over the city of Sao Paulo, Brazil 16 Feb 2021

A weather report regarding the heavy cloud and rain filmed from a TV news helicopter over over the city of Sao Paulo on16 Feb 2021 may have inadvertently captured a unidentified flying disk.


The presenter even jokes with the idea that it is an UFO when it passes.



The object is too far away to get a good look and the blurred, fast moving object could very well just be an aircraft.

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