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Wednesday 3 March 2021

Shiny, floating object over South Yorkshire, UK - observed by at least 2 witnesses in different locations, 28 Feb 2021

The same strange object has been spotted and recorded floating over large parts of South Yorkshire, UK by 2 separate witnesses in different locations, on 28 February 2021.


The first video was posted on Facebook and shows the object spinning and floating over Rotherham South Yorkshire.The witness says "we was at home when we saw something in the sky we quickly grabbed our camera and started to film, you will not believe what happened and what we caught on camera! 100% real!"


Next, a similar object was spotted over  Carcroft, South Yorkshire approx 17 miles to the north east. The witness took video and actually made a report to MUFON. 


The witness gives a details account of the sighting "The object was stationary above my property for approx 25 minutes. we first observed it after seeing a helicopter pass below the object. the helicopter seemed to not notice the object at all. 

The object was seen as three vertical bright lights at first at around a mile high. it wasn't until i observed it through binoculars that i could see that it was y shaped and made up of 4 shapes. a reddish tictac shaped middle section with two struts sticking out of the top at angles, with a goldish orb atop both struts. 

Underneath the tictac was another strut with a silver orb attached. the whole structure was metalic. with the sun reflecting from it. with a bright light on each of the orbs which was visable when it turned its sides towards us. making it look like a lighted straight vertical line. 

it remained stationary, but after 20 minutes it rapidly moved a short distance from right to left. hovered for a while. before then quickly moving again from left to right. it then slowly rose vertically. before suddenly shooting upward vertically at very high speed out of sight. 

i have attached a video of the object which is of poor quality because of the sun glaring onto the screen. i might add the the weather was very good with blue sky and little cloud to obstruct view. also attached are close ups of the object as clear as i could. the object appears on the right top side of the video as a small white dot which will indicate to you the height it was observed towards the end of the sighting. i would love to hear your opinion on what you think the object is."



For the most part, this sighting may have been explained away by a metallic party balloon, perhaps in the shape of a number or letter floating in the wind.  However, the wind that day could not push a balloon from Carncroft to Rotherham. There was a light Northerly wind that day, and to get to Rotherham would require a North-Westerly wind. We don't know where the object was first spotted. If spotted at Rotherham first, then the object would have to go against the wind which a balloon clearly cannot do.

Conclusion - unknown

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