
UFO Sightings Weekly is a directory of the best worldwide news reports regarding UFO's, unidentified aerial phenomenon, unidentified submerged objects and suspected alien sightings. We discard the obvious guff to present only the most compelling of UFO cases. It is also possible to submit a sighting for vetting directly via the website "Report a Sighting"

Wednesday 3 March 2021

Peculiar Light Formation Seen in Evansville and in Louisville, USA on the same night, 25 Feb 2021

According to a USA radio station WKDQ, two listeners reported the same incident on the same night form different locations. On 25 February, a listener reported seeing strange lights in the skies over Evansville, Indiana.


Then on 3 March, another listener "Erica " from Louisville Kentucky, came forward as seeing the same lights after hearing the report. She has also some video of the object.  


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