
UFO Sightings Weekly is a directory of the best worldwide news reports regarding UFO's, unidentified aerial phenomenon, unidentified submerged objects and suspected alien sightings. We discard the obvious guff to present only the most compelling of UFO cases. It is also possible to submit a sighting for vetting directly via the website "Report a Sighting"

Thursday, 3 December 2020

Bright Object in the sky over Mexico

A bright object has be caught on video flying over Chihuahua, Mexico on November 16, 2020.

The person who shot the original video, Mario Armendariz Velasquez, wrote about what he saw (loosely translated from Spanish), “Something flying which I think is a UFO and I saw it in the same area as a previous one.”

The eyewitnesses were lucky enough to catch a few minutes of raw footage of an unknown white craft flying from the left to the right of them. 

The craft was seen just after sunset and it is difficult to make out the detail due to the low quality of camera of the photo.


The object does not appear to behave in any way dissimilar to an aircraft or helicopter. The bright appearance of the object could just be as a result of an out-of-foucus aircraft light. The fact that Mario Armendariz Velasquez says "I saw it in the same area as a previous one" would seem to suggest this is a regular aircraft flight path.

Conclusion - Probably some sort of aircraft

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