
UFO Sightings Weekly is a directory of the best worldwide news reports regarding UFO's, unidentified aerial phenomenon, unidentified submerged objects and suspected alien sightings. We discard the obvious guff to present only the most compelling of UFO cases. It is also possible to submit a sighting for vetting directly via the website "Report a Sighting"

Friday 30 April 2021

Light aircraft performs steep right-hand climbing turn to avoid an unknown object, Wellingborough, reported to UK Airprox Board, 18 Feb 2021

The UK Aircraft near-miss reporting agency, the Airprox Board, has recently reported a near-miss incident between a light aircraft and an unknown object over Wellingborough that occurred on 18 Feb 2021.


The report states, "The DA40 pilot reports that they were performing a VFR navigation training flight and were on a leg tracking towards Grafton Underwood. 

Just 1NM to the south of Wellingborough town, while performing standard lookout, they spotted the UAV closing fast, to the left and slightly below the nose at a range of about 100m. They performed a steep right-hand climbing turn but, by the time they had begun climbing away, the UAV was already abeam their left wing and slightly below. 

The UAV was 1-1.5m across, grey/silver in colour and with no visible markings or lighting. Immediately afterwards they informed Cranfield approach and passed the location of the incident. There was no NOTAM informing of UAV activity in that area active at the time."

The Airprox board conclude "In the Board’s opinion the reported altitude and/or description of the object were such that they were unable to determine the nature of the unknown object."

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