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Saturday 17 April 2021

Colourful flying balls in the night sky over Heilongjiang Province, China, experts dismiss meteors, 14 April 2021

Recently, a string of Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs) appeared in Heilongjiang Province, China. Local people saw colourful flying balls in the night sky. Officials have confirmed that "this is indeed the case." However, the whereabouts of related objects are currently unknown.


According to reports from China’s "Chutian Metropolis Daily" and "Ran Xinwen" , a UFO video on Weibo has been circulated wildly recently. The person surnamed Liu who made the film lives in Heilongjiang. He pointed out that the incident occurred in the early morning of the 14th of this month. After 3 o'clock, several spherical luminous flying objects appeared in the night sky, and they continued to fly for more than 20 seconds. Although the phone could not capture their exact colours, they were "colourful" to the naked eye and disappeared into the horizon.


An unnamed astronomical expert in China claimed that the object was not a meteor from the shape of the object; a staff member of the Fujin Emergency Management Bureau surnamed Li revealed to the media that local officials have been concerned about the spherical UFO incident and confirmed these objects 14 There was indeed a flight over the county in the early hours of the day, and it was not clear where it fell. The equipment owned by Fujin City could not be monitored, and there was no astronomical institution in the area. The matter is still unknown.


Looks like space debris re-entering the earths atmosphere.

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